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Alex Normand

Automatically Add Vendor Prefixes During Your Build Process

Several months ago, the CSS working group discussed the issue of the -webkit prefix monopoly and the fact that developers usually don't bother adding other prefixes. As a result, browser vendors considered using -webkit as the only vendor prefix and thus dropping their own prefixes (ie: -moz, -o, -ms,...). This suggestion caused an uproar in the web community.

Currently, the most popular and preferred method to automatically handle vendor prefixes effortlessly is to work with CSS preprocessors like SASS, LESS & Stylus. Yet many Developers don't bother using and/or learning these tools. You should definitely consider using these tools as they will save you time and hassle. Dealing with all variants of implemented CSS3 properties by hand can be a time-consuming, error-prone and repetitve task.

In this post, I'll show you how you can easily and automatically add missing vendor prefixes in you css files during your build process using ant (or make) and prefixr. This will ensure that all prefixes are automatically included in your builds.

Our sample project

The sample project we'll be working with is available at, you can also check out the source code if you wish. This simple web page queries imdb using the imdb api via a JSONP request. The response is then simply printed on the web page. The CSS stylesheet uses several CSS3 properties such as box-shadow, border-radius, gradients, transitions,...

alexnormand-demo-imdb-search-box-screenshot alexnormand-demo-imdb-display-result-screenshot

We'll use the prefixr api on the command line to add any missing vendor-prefixed property:

$ curl -sSd css="$(cat path/to/style.css)" -o /path/to/output/style.css

Here's the simplified ant build file which passes the contents of the style.css file to the css parameter and makes a POST request to

        <!--Source CSS dir-->
        <property name="src.css.dir" value="${basedir}/css"/>
        <!-- Prefixr URL -->
        <property name="prefixr.url" value="" />
        <!--Output dir-->
        <property name="build.dir" value="../build"/>

    <!-- Add missing vendor prefixes -->
    <target name="-prefixr"
            description="Adds missing vendor prefixes to css files" >
      <loadfile property="" srcFile="${src.css.dir}/style.css" />
      <exec executable="curl" failonerror="true" output="${build.dir}/css/style.css">
         <arg line='-sSd css="${}"  ${prefixr.url}'/>
      <echo>Added missing vendor prefixes to stylesheets</echo>

Here's the makefile version:

.PHONY = all, clean, copy, gen

SRC   = src
BUILD = build
BUILD.STYLE.CSS = $(BUILD)/css/style.css
TOOLS = ~/tools

HTMLCOMPRESSOR = $(TOOLS)/htmlcompressor-1.5.2.jar
YUICOMPRESSOR  = $(TOOLS)/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar
PREFIXR        =

all :  clean gen

        rm -rf $(BUILD)

        mkdir -p $(BUILD)/css
        cp $(SRC)/css/style.css $(BUILD)/css

gen: copy
        java -jar $(HTMLCOMPRESSOR) -o $(BUILD)/index.html --compress-js --compress-css $(SRC)/index.html
        @curl -sSd css="$(shell cat $(BUILD.STYLE.CSS))" $(PREFIXR) -o $(BUILD.STYLE.CSS)
        @echo Added Missing Vendor prefixes to stylesheets

The sample project uses htmlcompressor for html minification, prefixr for automatic vendor prefix inclusion. yuicompressor for css minification. You can view source code at

Building the project

To build the project simply run

$ ant


$ make

This will generate a production release in the build folder with all the vendor prefixes automatically added. And that's it! You won't need to worry about prefixes anymore when releasing your projects. You should never have to hand code vendor prefixes ever again, you should always use tools to handle this tedious task whether you choose to use CSS preprocessors, client-side solutions, or tools like prefixr.

Further reading